Profile for syfaro

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About syfaro


arlington, va


A vibrant violet vulpes who develops cool things. You should pet them.


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Hey there! I’m a purple fox who paws at keyboards a little too much. I like to talk about programming projects, 3D printing, technology in general, and of course, foxes.

My current big project is FoxBot and FuzzySearch, a Telegram bot and reverse image search index for furry artwork. There's even an API if you're interested in that kind of thing!

I generally don't talk about sensitive/adult topics on this account, but posts will have CWs if needed.


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One of my hobbies is buying all of the weird LED strips I find at Costco, and the most recent I found certainly was interesting.

For some reason, it’s using USB-C connectors even though it only needs 3 wires. But of course it’s not even remotely USB-C compatible, the GND pins are +24V, the CC/SBU pins are GND, and the VBUS pins are used for data.

I’m also not sure about the protocol, there’s 5V signaling, but appears to be 56 bits of data per segment even though there’s only 5 color channels. Not sure what they’re doing with all of that data.

This is absolutely going to destroy someone’s device and I’m not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea.

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Pushed an update for FuzzySearch OwO that allows merging media entries for an easier to manage experience. I’ve got a few more updates I’d like to push soon, but will have to see how my motivation holds up haha

If you haven’t seen it before, it’s a site for (primarily) furry folks who want to make sure their artwork isn’t being reposted on other sites! It, in nearly real time, checks FurAffinity, e621, F-list, Bluesky, and a couple other places for artwork that you’ve uploaded or it automatically pulled in from one of your linked accounts.

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Looks like FoxBot was having some issues again, I really need to rewrite the queuing system to better match how I want it to behave x.x

Almost every function of the bot has wildly different runtime requirements which makes it hard to generalize:

  • Inline queries need instant handling and have essentially no rate limit issues. If they aren't handled within a few seconds, they can be discarded because it's too late.
  • Channel edits have very slow rate limits, and whenever a request is rate limited, it hangs for a couple of seconds. But there's no issue with doing these even hours later, because it doesn't send a new message.
  • DMs and groups should be fast, but don't need to be instant. DMs can probably be delayed a bit without issue, but groups need to be pretty fast because responding to old messages is annoying.

I have a bunch of ideas for dealing with this, just gotta get myself into the habit of working on it again.

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It's getting more interesting to buy domain names as more and more services rely on them for things.

Like you might not realize a domain was already added to the HSTS preload list, or a fediverse instance was hosted there which means it can't be used for a different instance because of the key change...

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It's so satisfying to find the magic incantation to get Google to give you a 200 page PDF labeled "for internal use only" that exactly answers your question after a lot of attempts

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Graph of the top 5 most popular domains for image sources on e621 per month.

It's interesting how Twitter overtook FA as the most popular source domain.

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